Павлопосадские платки, как часть русской культуры.
Опубликовано 05.09.2015 - 13:43 - Рябцева Любовь Ефимовна
Ознакомить с историей и технологией развития производства павлопосадских платков и их художественными особенностями.
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Подписи к слайдам:
Pavlovoposadsky shawls — are one of the Russian national crafts. Are made in Pavlovsk Posada of the Moscow region .
From the moment of the factory basis till 1970th years drawing put on fabric with wooden carved forms. Creation of a shawl demanded about 400 imposings .
The preference was always given to cultivated flowers.
At the end of XIX — the beginning of the XX century there is a final registration of style. Now on shawls represent the volume flowers collected in bouquets.
S hawls were carried out from translucent or dense woolen fabric.
Now shawls are also popular, as before. And many popular people wear these shawls.
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