Допетровское время
История допетровского времени на английском языке (с переводом и транскрипцией)
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The history of the origin of the Neva lands The history of the territory currently occupied by St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region began about 12-13 thousand years ago, when, after the retreat of the glacier, the Prinevskaya lowland was covered by the waters of the Baltic glacial lake. Словарь: began / начинать, начинаться [ bɪˈɡæn ] glacier / ледник [ˈ ɡlæs.i.ər ] retreat / отступление, отход [ rɪˈtriːt ] lowland / низменность, низина, долина [ˈ ləʊ.lənd ]
The history of the origin of the Neva lands Over the next several thousand years, the Earth's surface either subsided or rose, and the lake sometimes became a sea ( Yoldievoe ), or a lake ( Ancylovoe ). Словарь: earth / земля, заземление, грунт [ɜː θ] surface / поверхность [ˈ sɜːfɪs ] either / или [ˈ aɪðə (r)] subsided / утихать, спадать [ səbˈsaɪd ] became / становиться [ bɪˈkeɪm ]
The history of the origin of the Neva lands Lake Ladoga during this period turned out to be alternately a bay or an independent lake. Словарь: during / во время, в течение, в процессе [ˈ djʊərɪŋ ] period / период, время, точка [ˈ pɪəriəd ] turned / повернутый, перевернутый [ tɜːn ] alternately / поочередно, попеременно [ˈ ɒl.tə.neɪt ] bay / залив [ beɪ ] independent / независимый, самостоятельный [ˌ ɪndɪˈpendənt ]
The history of the origin of the Neva lands About seven and a half thousand (7500) years ago, as a result of geological changes, the waters of the North Sea rushed into the basin of Lake Ancylus and turned it into the sea. Словарь: geological / геологический [ˌ dʒi.əˈlɒdʒ.ɪ.kəl ] rushed / торопиться, бросаться, устремляться [ rʌʃt ] basin / бассейн, таз, котловина [ˈ beɪ.sən ]
Formation of the Neva River
Formation of the Neva River Due to the fact that the northern part of Lake Ladoga turned out to be higher than the southern part, the Vuoksa river gradually began to grow shallow, losing its importance as a drain of the Ladoga waters. Once isolated from the sea, the lake began to overflow. Словарь: due / должное [ dju ː] northern / северный, дующий с севера [ˈ nɔːðən ] southern / южный [ˈ sʌðən ] gradually / постепенно, понемногу, исподволь [ˈ ɡrædʒuəli ] grow / расти, выращивать, увеличиваться [ ɡrəʊ ] shallow / мелкий, мелководный, поверхностный [ˈ ʃæləʊ ] importance / важность, значение [ ɪmˈpɔːtns ] drain / дренаж, отток, водосток [ dreɪn ] isolated / изолированный, отдельный [ˈ aɪ.sə.leɪ.tɪd ]
Formation of the Neva River At that time, the Neva River did not yet exist, in its place two rivers flowed - Mga and Tosna . Mga flowed into Lake Ladoga, and Tosna - into the Ancient Baltic Sea. The overflowing lake overflowed its banks and rushed towards Tosna along the valley of the Mga River. Its waters broke through the divide between the two rivers and along the Tosna channel reached the Ancient Baltic Sea. This was the birth of a new, youngest European river - the Neva. Словарь: exist / существовать, быть, находиться [ ɪɡˈzɪst ] flowed / течь, протекать, литься [ fləʊ ] ancient / древний, старинный, старый [ˈ eɪnʃənt ] overflowing / переполненный, бьющий через край, льющийся через край [ˌ əʊ.vəˈfləʊ ] towards / к, в направлении, по отношению к [ təˈwɔːdz ] long / вдоль, вместе, вперед [ əˈlɒŋ ] valley / долина, впадина [ˈ væli ] divide / делить, разделять, делиться [ dɪˈvaɪd ] channel / канал, русло, желоб [ˈ tʃænl ] reached / достигнутый [ riːtʃ ] birth / рождение, роды, происхождение [ bɜ ː θ]
Formation of the Neva River The Neva was originally shorter than it is today and emptied into the sea with one sleeve. But as a result of the uplift of the land, the sea receded back, its eastern part turned into a bay, and the shallows under water became islands. This led to the fact that the channel of the Neva began to diverge into two branches, and the river delta was formed. The strengthening of the islands was also facilitated by the surge of water from the bay during floods - silt and sand, raised by waves, settled on the shallows, increasing the area of the islands and forming new ones. Словарь: emptied / опорожненный, опустевший [ˈ emp.ti ] result / результат, следствие, итог [ rɪˈzʌlt ] uplift / подъем, взброс [ˈ ʌp.lɪft ] receded / отступать, удаляться, убывать [ rɪˈsiːd ] eastern / восточный [ˈ iːstən ] diverge / расходиться, отклоняться [ˌ daɪˈvɜːdʒ ] branches / филиал, ветвь, отделение [ˈ brɑːntʃ.ɪz ] strengthening / усиление, упрочнение [ˈ streŋ . θ ən ] surge / волны, повышение, быстрый рост [ sɜːdʒ ] during / во время, в течение, в процессе [ˈ djʊərɪŋ ] silt / ил, осадок, наносы [ sɪlt ] increasing / возрастающий [ ɪnˈkriːs ] area / площадь, зона, область [ˈ eəriə ]
The peoples of the Neva The first settlers of the Neva were the so-called protossaams . Словарь: settlers / поселенец [ˈ set.lər ] o-called / так называемый [ˌ səʊˈkɔːld ]
The peoples of the Neva In the III millennium BC, the so-called " Volosov tribes" came here from the Urals and the Volga-Kama region. From them came the Volga-Finnish population. Словарь: millennium / тысячелетие, золотой век [ mɪˈlen.i.əm ]
The peoples of the Neva In the II millennium BC Baltic-Finnish tribes migrated from the southern Baltic states, and two related ethnocultural formations arose on the Neva lands: the Volga-Finnish tribes in the eastern part of the region and the Baltic-Finnish ones in the west. Словарь: tribes / племя, триба, клан [ traɪb ] migrated / мигрировать, переселяться [ maɪˈɡreɪt ] arose / возникать, появляться, происходить [ əˈrəʊz ]
The peoples of the Neva In the 1st millennium A.D. from the northeastern Estonian tribes, the Voda tribes emerged and formed as an independent ethnos with a special language. They occupied the southwestern part of the Neva. Словарь: independent / независимый, самостоятельный, независящий [ˌ ɪndɪˈpendənt ] southwestern / юго-западный [ˌ saʊ θˈ wes.tən ]
The peoples of the Neva On the territory of the Leningrad region lived mainly the Finno-Ugric population - Vod , Izhora , Veps , Korela , from the 17th century Finns, and the Slavic population was only a small part.