Административная контрольная работа по английскому языку 8 класс

Кузнецова Елена Александровна

Административная контрольная работа по иностранному языку (английский)

8 класс

I variant

Про­чи­тай­те тек­сты и уста­но­ви­те со­от­вет­ствие между тек­ста­ми А–G и за­го­лов­ка­ми 1–8. Ис­поль­зуй­те каж­дую цифру толь­ко один раз. В за­да­нии есть один лиш­ний заго­ло­вок.


1.      Is there any risk-free alternative to tattoo?

2.      What equipment is used?

3.      What are the motives for getting a tattoo?

4.      What is tattoo ink made from?

5.      Is getting a tattoo dangerous?

6.      What are the most popular tattoo designs?

7.      How old is the tattooing tradition?

8.      Can tattoos be removed?


A. Tattoos are surprisingly popular in different parts of the globe. The oldest tattooed person, the so-called Iceman, is a frozen mummy found in the Alps in 1991. The frozen man, aged more than 5000 years, has 57 tattoos! The scientists think that they were created with some sharp instruments like thorns, and ash from fireplace was used instead of ink. There's also a theory that Iceman's tattoos were made for medical reasons rather than for any other, reason.


B. Medical tattoos mark the places where acupuncture needles need to be used, however, that reason for getting a tattoo is rare. Tattooing for religious and spiritual reasons happens much more often. Soldiers and sailors get tattoos in memory of their battles and journeys. Some people tattoo the names of those they love, and some get tattoos for no reason at all, just because they think it's cool.


C. There are lots of tattooing techniques. Some tribes in Africa make cuts on the body and rub ash into them. Tattooists may also work with sharpened sticks or animal bones — the procedure is painful and not at all hygienic. In modern studios electric machines are usually used. They have one or more needles that quickly go in and out of the skin. The machine has ink containers and the ink gets into the skin via the needles. For safety reasons the needles should only be used once.


D. In the past, tattoo ink was made from tree bark, ash and coal dust. Later, pen ink was often used. Today, the inks produced by factories are usually made of metal salts and metal oxides. Heavy metals are used for colouring too: cadmium gives red and orange shades, aluminum — green and violet, cobalt — blue, titanium — white. There's no need to say that heavy metals may cause allergies and some far more serious diseases, cancer included.


E. Parents may get outraged by their children's desire for tattoos and they've got good reasons to get panicky  — apart from ink related risks, getting tattoos is associated with the risk of infection. Anything from skin infections to tuberculosis and even AIDS can be transmitted via the instruments. If the tattooist ignores strict hygienic requirements, like using fresh ink for each session, changing gloves after each stage of tattooing or disinfecting the furniture, the client may catch a very serious disease.


F. Another reason against permanent tattoos is... their permanent character. You may like it now but people tend to change their preferences. A safe alternative is a temporary tattoo which lasts for only a few weeks. Their main advantage is that the skin is not damaged — the tattoo artist just applies henna on it. This type of tattoos is popular with fashion models who care for their bodies and don't want them to get damaged.


G. The actress Amy Taylor says that she got her tattoo when she was sixteen. She thought it was cool, but several years later the tattoo became a nuisance. Amy wanted to get it removed. She believed that modern technologies like laser treatment could do it easily but the doctors warned her that the tattoo wouldn't be fully removed anyway. The treatment is usually long, expensive and rather painful — getting the tattoo is much easier.





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Административная контрольная работа по иностранному языку (английский)

8 класс

I variant

Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие между текстами А–G и заголовками 1–8. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.

  1. Is there any risk-free alternative to tattoo?
  2. What equipment is used?
  3. What are the motives for getting a tattoo?
  4. What is tattoo ink made from?
  5. Is getting a tattoo dangerous?
  6. What are the most popular tattoo designs?
  7. How old is the tattooing tradition?
  8. Can tattoos be removed?

A. Tattoos are surprisingly popular in different parts of the globe. The oldest tattooed person, the so-called Iceman, is a frozen mummy found in the Alps in 1991. The frozen man, aged more than 5000 years, has 57 tattoos! The scientists think that they were created with some sharp instruments like thorns, and ash from fireplace was used instead of ink. There's also a theory that Iceman's tattoos were made for medical reasons rather than for any other, reason.


B. Medical tattoos mark the places where acupuncture needles need to be used, however, that reason for getting a tattoo is rare. Tattooing for religious and spiritual reasons happens much more often. Soldiers and sailors get tattoos in memory of their battles and journeys. Some people tattoo the names of those they love, and some get tattoos for no reason at all, just because they think it's cool.


C. There are lots of tattooing techniques. Some tribes in Africa make cuts on the body and rub ash into them. Tattooists may also work with sharpened sticks or animal bones — the procedure is painful and not at all hygienic. In modern studios electric machines are usually used. They have one or more needles that quickly go in and out of the skin. The machine has ink containers and the ink gets into the skin via the needles. For safety reasons the needles should only be used once.


D. In the past, tattoo ink was made from tree bark, ash and coal dust. Later, pen ink was often used. Today, the inks produced by factories are usually made of metal salts and metal oxides. Heavy metals are used for colouring too: cadmium gives red and orange shades, aluminum — green and violet, cobalt — blue, titanium — white. There's no need to say that heavy metals may cause allergies and some far more serious diseases, cancer included.


E. Parents may get outraged by their children's desire for tattoos and they've got good reasons to get panicky  — apart from ink related risks, getting tattoos is associated with the risk of infection. Anything from skin infections to tuberculosis and even AIDS can be transmitted via the instruments. If the tattooist ignores strict hygienic requirements, like using fresh ink for each session, changing gloves after each stage of tattooing or disinfecting the furniture, the client may catch a very serious disease.


F. Another reason against permanent tattoos is... their permanent character. You may like it now but people tend to change their preferences. A safe alternative is a temporary tattoo which lasts for only a few weeks. Their main advantage is that the skin is not damaged — the tattoo artist just applies henna on it. This type of tattoos is popular with fashion models who care for their bodies and don't want them to get damaged.


G. The actress Amy Taylor says that she got her tattoo when she was sixteen. She thought it was cool, but several years later the tattoo became a nuisance. Amy wanted to get it removed. She believed that modern technologies like laser treatment could do it easily but the doctors warned her that the tattoo wouldn't be fully removed anyway. The treatment is usually long, expensive and rather painful — getting the tattoo is much easier.

3)Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений  соответствуют содержанию текста (1 – True), какие не соответствуют (2 – False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 – Not stated).

Australia is very rich in natural resources. It has large supplies of coal and natural gas, uranium, nickel, zinc and gold. Australians also mine for precious stones like sapphires and topaz, and they are very proud of their famous opals. Opal looks like a mineral but it’s not because minerals consist of crystals but opal has a non-crystal nature. Australia produces about 97% of the world’s opals and supplies other countries with it. In 1994, opal was declared Australia's National Gemstone.

Opals look really beautiful. They can be clear, milky white, blue, green, red, yellow, black and other colours. Opals often look multi-coloured as they reflect light and can be practically every colour we can see. In the Middle Ages, opal was considered to be a stone that could provide great luck. People believed that it had all the power of the stones whose color was represented in the color spectrum of the opal.

Opals are mined in different parts of Australia. However, the largest and most productive opal field is in South Australia in a place called Coober Pedy, a small mining town in the desert. The world's largest and most valuable gem opal, "Olympic Australis", was found there in August 1956. The huge opal weighs 3450 grams!

The name Coober Pedy can be translated from the local aboriginal dialect as “white man in a hole”. And that was true – in the beginning of the twentieth century first white people appeared in that place. They were opal miners. They dug holes in the earth and lived there. Coober Pedy is a very tough place – it is very hot and dusty in the daytime in summer and freezing cold at night in winter. To survive through the heat and cold, opal miners built their houses underground. Nowadays, many people in Coober Pedy still prefer to live underground. Opal mines and Coober Pedy are popular with tourists. People from all over the world come and stay in the underground hotels there.

Выберите правильный вариант ответа:

Opal miners appeared in Cooper Pedy in 1956.









Not stated

The severe climate prevents tourists from visiting Coober Pedy.









Not stated

Australia has more opals than any other country in the world.









Not stated

Административная контрольная работа по иностранному языку (английский)

8 класс

 Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие между текстами А–G и заголовками 1–8. В ответ запишите цифры, в порядке, соответствующем буквам. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.


1. The symbols of London

2. Means of travelling

3. World record holder

4. A sweet in the street

5. On the road

6. A healthy but difficult choice

7. An unusual hobby

8. Conflict over roads


A. The British are enthusiastic about mobility. They think that the ability to travel far and frequently is their right. People can spend up to two or three hours commuting to London or another big city and arrive back at their homes in the countryside only late in the evening. They put up with the long journey because they want their families to avoid the unhealthy lifestyle of big cities.


B. Most journeys to work are made by private road transport. It leads to the pollution so familiar to many big cities, and to traffic jams. Congestion is especially high in Britain because the British do not welcome the idea of building new roads. They don’t like living close to them. Each proposal to build a new road is criticised so it’s not easy to improve the road situation.


C. Perhaps because the trains were the first means of transport in Britain many people still have a romantic outlook on them. Thousands of train-lovers spend a lot of time looking for information about trains, especially old steam engines. Many enthusiasts spend their free time restoring and repairing old trains. They even earn some money by offering rides to tourists.


D. It is possible to travel between any two towns or cities by either road or rail. In some parts of the country there is a very good rail network but most commercially successful trains run between London and the largest cities in the country. By modern European standards British trains are not fast. Coach services are generally even slower than trains but are much cheaper. It explains why they are still in use.


E. Britain is one of the few countries in Europe where double-decker buses are a common sight. Although single-deckers have been in use since 1960s, London still has many double-deckers in operation. They are world-famous, an image associated with the city. Another London icon is the black taxi. Normally, these traditional taxis cannot be hired by phone. You simply have to find one on the street.


F. In 1953, most schoolchildren walked to school. For this reason, school crossing patrols were introduced. This ‘patrol’ consists of an adult wearing a bright waterproof coat and carrying a stick with a circle on top of it, which reads ‘STOP’. Armed with this ‘lollipop’, the adult walks out into the middle of the road, stops the traffic and allows the children to cross.


G. On 9 January 2013, the London Underground (or the Tube) celebrated 150 years since the first underground journey. It is both the world's oldest underground railway and the oldest rapid transit system. It was also the first underground railway to operate electric trains. The Underground has 268 stations and 400 km of track, making it the longest metro system in the world by route length.

3) Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений  соответствуют содержанию текста (1 – True), какие не соответствуют (2 – False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 – Not stated).

Being a vegetarian is getting more and more popular with teenagers. They choose a vegetarian diet for health reasons or because they don’t want animals to be killed for food. Young people often find being vegetarian exciting and cool. Sometimes parents share their children's and even become vegetarians themselves. But some parents are strongly against it as they worry about their kids’ health. They don’t believe a vegetarian diet can be a protein rich diet.

Vegetarians do not eat meat, fish, or chicken. Vegans, in addition to being vegetarian, do not use other animal products and by-products such as eggs, dairy products and honey. They eat fruit and vegetables, berries and seeds, nuts and whole grains. They say that their diet is very good for health and stimulates mental activity. Vegans don’t wear clothes made of leather, fur, silk and wool. They don’t use cosmetics and soaps produced from animal products.

Lots of famous people and celebrities follow a vegetarian diet. There are many organizations that work to promote a vegetarian philosophy too. PETA is one of the most well-known among them. The abbreviation PETA stands for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. The organization is international. It has millions of members and supporters who donate money. PETA unites people who fight for animal rights and are strongly against killing animals for food and clothes. They also say that people should not test things like medicine and cosmetics on animals and animals mustn’t be used for all sorts of laboratory experiments.

PETA members also try to help animals in natural disasters like fires, earthquakes and floods. They save homeless and abandoned pets and give the information about them via papers and the internet. They often manage to find a new family for such animals. PETA activists also arrange different actions and demonstrations to attract people’s attention to environmental issues like air and water pollution, destroying rainforests and other results of destructive human activities.

Выберите вариант правильного ответа:

Teenagers become vegetarians for different reasons.









Not stated

Vegetarians’ diet differs from vegans’ diet.









Not stated

If you want to join PETA, you need to save at least one pet.









Not stated

Классный час в 7 классе, посвященный Женскому дню.

В прекрасный день – Восьмое марта,
Когда сияет все кругом,
Нам разрешите вас поздравить
С Международным женским днем! 

Здоровья, счастья пожелаем,
Чтоб не грустили никогда,
Чтобы всегда вы процветали
Во имя счастья и добра. 

Женский день отмечали еще в Древнем Риме. В этот день замужние женщины получали от своих мужей подарки. Они облачались в праздничные одежды, на головы надевали красивые венки и шли в храм богини Весты — хранительницы семейного очаг".

А 8 марта 1857 г. текстильщицы Нью-Йорка устроили марш протеста против маленькой заработной платы и неподобающих условий труда.

В память об этих событиях в 1910 г. в Копенгагене на Международной конференции женщин было предложено отмечать Международный женский день 8 Марта. И теперь мы с огромным удовольствием отмечаем этот праздник.

Дорогие девочки, сегодня классный час посвящен вам! Но поучаствуют в нем все, и девочки и мальчики!

По случайному подбору сформированы команды, в каждой 4 девочки и 2 мальчика (по разрезным геометрическим фигурам).

И два мальчика нашего класса будут мне помогать.

Конкурс 1. «Комплименты»

В канун праздника всем женщинам и девочкам говорят красивые, ласковые слова. Чем больше, тем лучше. Команда выбирает букву и придумывает слова, начинающиеся с нее. Слова представляют мальчики команд. О, У, В, И

Конкурс 3. «Скороговорка» даются на выбор мальчикам команд.

Четко сказал-заработал команде балл.

1. Собрал Сашок сушек мешок.

2. Санчо с ранчо несет пончо.

3. Маляр Шурик мешал сурик.

4. Везет Санька Соньку на санках.

5. Дремал Сандро в дендрарии.

6. Шишкой Сашка шапку сшиб.

7. Баран-буян залез в бурьян

8. В Чите течёт Читинка

Все аплодируют.

А конкурсы продолжаются!

Конкурс 5. Конкурс «Мудрость»

За каждый правильный ответ — 1 балл.

  1. Какие ноты растут в огороде? (Фа-Соль)
  2. Какой полуостров говорит о своих размерах? (Ямал)
  3. Сколько минут надо варить крутое яйцо? (Нисколько, оно уже вареное)
  4. В каком слове семь гласных? (Семья)
  5. Что принадлежит вам, а вы этим пользуетесь реже всего? (Имя)
  6. Какую раковину не сыскать на дне моря? {Ушную)
  7. Когда руки бывают местоимением? (Когда они вы-мы-ты)
  8. Что идет, не двигаясь с места? {Время)
  9. Где жизнь всегда висит на волоске? (В лампочке.)
  10. Какое лучшее средство от седины вы знаете? (Лысина.) 

  11. Кто ходит сидя? (Шахматист.)
  12. Какой остров сообщает своим названием, что он одежда? (Ямайка.) 
  13. Воинское звание для большой уборки? (Генеральная) 
  14. Почему грибы имеют форму зонта? (Растут в дождь)
  15. Общепит для машин? (заправка).
  16. Может ли дождь идти два дня подряд? (Нет, т.к. между ними ночь.)
  17. Почему собака лает? (Не умеет говорить.) 
  18. Что кидают в кастрюлю перед тем, как варят еду? (Взгляд: смотрят, чистая ли кастрюля.)
    19. Можно ли принести воды в решете? (да если она лед)

20 Надо ли перед варкой мыть макароны? (нет)

Конкурс 6 называется «Перевод с русского на русский». Я называю предложение, а вы попробуйте сказать то же самое, не повторив ни одного слова из него.

  • Муха села на варенье.
  • Шел отряд по берегу.
  • Воробей влетел в окно.
  • На столе стоит стакан.