Дидактизация иноязычного текста
Целевая аудитория, уровень обучения:
Студенты 1-2 курса
Направление подготовки: Лингвистика
Уровень: B1.
Обоснование выбора текста (с указанием критериев отбора):
- Лингвистическая значимость: наличие множества предложение, в которых используется страдательный залог и герундиальные формы.
- Психологический компонент: в тексте затрагивается проблема человека, страдающего острым заболеванием и его отношение к жизни.
- Методологический компонент: возможность использования различных стратегий обучения.
Цели (с указанием видов чтения):
1. Практическая цель
- 1. понимать основное содержания: определять и выделять основную информацию текста, устанавливать связь событий, делать вывод по прочитанному (ознакомительное чтение);
- 2. извлечение полной информации из текста: полно и точно понимать факты, выделять информацию, подтверждающую что-либо, сравнивать информацию (изучающее чтение);
- 3. понимание необходимой информации: определять в общих чертах тему текста, определять жанр текста, определять важность информации (поисково-просмотровое чтение).
- Развивающая цель
- Развитие: речемыслительных навыков;
- Мышления;
- Кратковременной и долговременной памяти.
- Воспитательная цель:
- формирования коммуникативных навыков, способности к сотрудничеству и взаимопомощи в группе
- - формирование толерантного отношения к людям, имеющих проблемы со здоровьем.
Оснащение: УМК «Inside Out: intermediate», ИКТ, проектная деятельность.
Этапы работы с текстом:
Предтекстовый этап / Vor dem Lesen
- Read the text below and translate new words:
- Pain
- Joints
- Drugs
- Violin
- Finger
- Tough
- Tears
- Achieve
- Pull up
- Read the text and find the sentences with:
- passive voice
- gerund
- infinitive
Текстовый этап / Während des Lesens
When Louise Roberts was eighteen, she began to feel pain in her joints. Within six months, she was in so much pain that it was like walking on glass. Just pulling up a zip brought tears to her eyes. The worst thing was that she was too weak to play the violin. She had been playing since the age of seven and had planned to become a professional. Louise's doctor told her she had arthritis, a condition which makes the joints become painful. Louise was forced to give up playing the violin to avoid damaging her joints, and given pain killer drugs, which she still takes. A year after the diagnosis she went to university to do teacher training. It was upsetting for Louise to listen to other students practicing their instruments, knowing she could not play her beloved violin. She begged her mother to sell it, but her mother would not. Teacher training was tough. Standing for long periods made her knees and feet ache, especially in cold weather. There were times when she felt she couldn't cope with it. Nevertheless she has now got a job in a primary school teaching a class of five year olds. She also plays the piano in school hall. Her fingers are still stiff at that hour of the morning, and she misses lots of notes but the children don't seem to mind. After four years away from her violin Louise has just started teaching a ten-year-old boy to play. Before the arthritis started, she used to play in a symphony orchestra, and she still dreams that one day she will perform on stage again. Louise's condition has improved, partly because of the drugs, but also because, since visiting an allergy clinic, she has changed her diet completely. She has cut out all wheat, dairy products, beef and pork. Even so, her energy is limited and there are times when she is so tired that she has to stay in bed all weekend. She envies healthy people sometimes. On the plus side however, she is more determined than most to get the best from life. She's also been taking singing lessons, as arthritis doesn't affect the voice, and as a result has achieved a higher standard in singing.
A. When Louise tried to get dressed...
1. she could do it easily.
2. her mother had to help her.
3. it was so painful that she was crying.
4. it was like walking on glass.
B. Why did Louise want her mother to sell her violin?
1. She needed the money.
2. She didn't know how to play it.
3. She wanted to buy a better one.
4. She was unable to play it.
C. Why does Louise play the piano badly at school hall?
1. She can't concentrate.
2. Her joints can't move freely.
3. She hasn't woken up yet.
4. She doesn't care about it.
D. What is Louise's strong desire?
1. to learn to drive.
2. to play music in public.
3. to teach the violin.
4. to act.
E. Louise occasionally wishes she was not disabled because
1. she has to spend every weekend in bed.
2. she doesn't like staying in bed.
3. she can't eat cheese and yoghurt.
4. she gets so tired.
Послетекстовый этап / Nach dem Lesen
1. Put the sentences in the correct order
- After four years away from her violin Louise has just started teaching a ten-year-old boy to play.
- Louise's doctor told her she had arthritis, a condition which makes the joints become painful.
- When Louise Roberts was eighteen, she began to feel pain in her joints.
- She begged her mother to sell it, but her mother would not.
- Before the arthritis started, she used to play in a symphony orchestra, and she still dreams that one day she will perform on stage again.
2. Retell the text using new words from exercise 1.
Творческий этап / Kreative Phase
- What’s the main problem of the text? Read the text again and discuss it in pairs. Share your opinion with other students.
- Make a short annotation to the text. Write 120-140 words.
- Write a sequel to the story. Complete the story in 200-300 words