Задания для 5го класса по учебнику Верещагиной (Урок 12)

Перевалова Марина Анатольевна

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The United …………………………………….of Great Britain and Northern ………………………….. is situated on ………………………………………………………

It …………………………………………….of 4 countries …………………………………………., ……………………………………………. ,………………………………………………. and …………………………………………. Their capitals are …………………………, ………………………………….., …………………………… and ………………………………………..

There is one more country situated in the British Isles …………………………………………….

Two islands are separated by ………………………………………..

The UK is washed by ………………………………… in the north and ……………………………………..in the east. The UK is separated from the continent by ……………………………………

Everyone who was born in Great Britain is …………………………..but not ……………………………………….

People from England are ……………………………, people from Scotland are ………………………………….., people from Wales are ………………………………….and people from  Northern Ireland are ……………………………………

Mare than ……………………………………………….people live in Britain. There are a lot of industrial cities ……………………………………………… and ……………………………………………………..

The national flag of the UK is called ………………………………………………………… It made up of … crosses: the cross of St. George (the patron of England), the cross of St. Andrew (the patron of …………………………….)and the cross of St.Patric (the patron saint of ………………………………………)


Complete with proper articles:

1) … British Isles 2) … Cardiff 3) … Scots 4) … Atlantic Ocean 5) … Wales 6) … Strait of Dover  7) … Scottish 8) … English Chanel  9) … English 10) …Union Jack 11) … Belfast 12) … Irish sea 13) … Ireland 14) … Northern Ireland 15) … United Kingdom 


Задания для домашнего чтения Урок 12


True, false or not mentioned


1) The climate in the UK is generally mild. _____

2) Humid climate is bad for plants. _____

3) The poppy is the symbol of peace. ______

4) The rose is symbol of Scotland. _____

5) Daffodils are favorite flowers in England. ____

6) There are about 50 kinds land animals in the UK. ___


задания на контрольное аудирование


7) There is a lot of fi1) Alan and Ted are two brothers.

2) They lived with their parents in a small industrial town in the north of England.

3) Allan was ten, Ted was seven.

4) They went to different schools.

5) They felt lonely especially at school.

6) Their mother was against their fights, especially when they fought at school.

7) One day William hit Alan.

8) Ted was the first who started the fight.sh in rivers and lakes of the UK. ___