Famous writers of Engels

Романтеева Татьяна Викторовна

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     Neither Pokrovskaya Sloboda, which received the status of a city in 1914, nor the city of  Pokrovsk, nor the city of  Engels were aloof from the great literary life.

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        And this fame was created by many generations of Engels writers and poets. They were born in Engels and became widely known. Here are some of them:

Кассиль, Лев Абрамович — ВикипедияC:\Users\Яна\Desktop\888fb3908e007ad088061643c48bcf0f_Generic.jpg      C:\Users\Яна\Desktop\180px-Александр_Исаакович_Кобылинский.jpg

       L.Kassil                                    S. Gorsky                                   A. Kobylinsky        


                                                           G. Mishin



             C:\Users\Яна\Desktop\81ed489d9af7a3b4496a4fdf14863685_Generic.jpg                      C:\Users\Яна\Desktop\7d2f7bf1780cabb0ca7d9ff16b5954f8.jpg

                           V. Kalinin                                                    O. Klyukina


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Gennady Mishin (1943 – 2011)



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Evgeny Shatko (1931 – 1984)

C:\Users\Яна\Desktop\88986.jpg         Evgeny Shatko was born in 1931 on the Volga River, in Saratov region. He wrote 8 books. Among them: “Wunderkind”, “The story of the talking dog”, “Steamboats are humming”.

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Olga Klyukina (1960)


         Olga Klyukina was born in 1960 in the village of Privolzhsky, Saratov region. She is the compiler of the collections of the popular series “101 parables” andthe author of stories for teenagers about biblical heroes. Olga Klyukina is the author of the historical novel “Ester”, stories for children “The Fiery Sword of Gideon”, “Fraternold victory”, “Nikina the little Finger and the Wonderful treasure” and other works for adults and children.

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            During all this time, numerous writers and poets, who glorified themselves and their small homeland, were born and lived in Engels. Many of them were immortalized in the history of Engels.


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