План-конспект проведения урока "Игра в гольф"

Этот урок проводился в 4 классах в виде презентации с заданиями, когда каждый участник индивидуально или в группе подготавливал ответ на вопрос квиза. На следующем уроке ученики выступали с докладами, отвечая на вопросы со своим материалом и заполняя пустые таблицы презентации. В статье приводятся полные ответы и описываются все составляющие урока
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Предварительный просмотр:
проведения урока «Игра в гольф»)
ВЫПОЛНИЛА Погорелко Н.И._________________
РУКОВОДИТЕЛЬ Бандурина В.В._______________
- Introduction 3
- Main part 5
- Content 5
- The lesson plan 7
- Application 9
- Conclusion 13
IV. Literature 14
This course is about using computer learning technologies in the process of teaching English in school. When I was going to start listening to the course I intended to discover information about technologies that would make my lessons more colourful and more interesting. My students are young learners of the Primary School so they have some special features that require some special efforts to make learning effective, to involve more pupils and encourage them. They are slow, their attention spans are short, and they like to play games, sing songs and move. They meet a lot of difficulties in learning foreign letters, writing, reading and grammar, but our first task on this level is to teach them oral speaking.
While we attended lectures of the course we had got a lot of useful we had got a lot of useful information about Internet sites and their contents. We were informed a lot about possibilities of using Internet sites both for teaching and educating ourselves.
The main topics covered during the course described how to get information about everything you like and also how to create your own space in the Internet to save all the information you need for work and place your own information.
Firstly, we discussed the computer and Internet terms in English. Then we learned to create a Power Point Presentation that could be connected with any Internet sites, video and audio files, images and links.
Secondly, we debated short and long term projects on different topics that could be individual or group or even school-linked. Then we considered the efficiency of plenty of different web quests and could make our own web quests for our pupils. We found some web quests that we would ever use in the classroom. Finely, we learned to organize our own space in the pbwork.com site.
Thirdly, we observed the educational features of social network in terms of performing projects. Then we learned to create our own blogs with different pages
and any contents.
Fourthly, we could make our own digital audio files and use The Internet sites that correct the English pronunciation. Moreover, we learned to use the Internet for real instant communication and improve our English in Use skills.
At last, we created our own websites, discussed Nearpod possibilities and observed free educational courses in the Internet. Besides, we learned to use the Internet for creating of different types of puzzles, crosswords, exercises, playing games and making other funny and colourful things.
Since I have joined the course every my lesson includes some Internet technologies.
We suggest this lesson plan to your attention because we consider it to be gripping and involving for the age and level our young learners of the Primary School. Our students like to move, to play and to discover unknown things. They all are keen of sports. That is why we choose Playing Golf because it seems to be a part of both English culture and sportive life. It is popular among people of different ages and also among children as in the UK as in the USA. It is not popular in our country so long, but we have Golf courses in Scolkovo and somewhere else, besides it is more interesting for all of us to speak about this unexplored matter.
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- II. Main part
1. Content
We chose a blog technology for concentrating all the information on our own Golfblog in the Google Browser. We place a Web Quest about Playing Golf there.
We can make permanent additions and change the content by adding new pages to have a chance to return to this theme again.
We chose some sites for usage in the classroom. Most often we referred to a very interesting Slide Show from the Golf Digest. It is called How to Play Golf. A Beginner’s Guide From Golf Digest. It contains enough information to perform the part of task. Click http://www.golfdigest.com/golf-instruction/golf-beginners-tips#slide=1 to have a look.
We use video files from youtube.com to illustrate play grips. There are very detailed and easy explanations from the native speakers too. Firstly, Brian Russel starring. Click http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H25jGApaqQM and you can watch him playing. The traditional rules of playing in a team we can learn from the Wikipedia.org site. Click http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golf#Team_play and grab a little passage about Team play from here. Some exiting information for reading you can have on the site about junior teams in PGA (Professional Golf Association) from America. It is all about young golfers of the same age as my pupils are. Click
http://www.pgajrleaguegolf.com/usa/ and watch. There is a very interesting video and short speeches of young golfers trainees, children and parents about PGA Junior League Golf. The last site of interest for this lesson is about famous people who are fond of Golf. Click http://bleacherreport.com/articles/1059503-the-20-best-celebrity-golfers/page/6 and you can meet 20 Best Celebrity Golfers such as Justin Timberlake and Michael Jordan. Also we advise to visit another site about famous people
https://www.americangolf.com/blog/mulligans/the-10coolest-golfing-celebrities-to-round-out-your-foursome/ and meet 10 coolest golfing celebrities from Hollywood and TV.
This fascinating game has got a rich impact in British and American life and in the Internet sites either. So, we had a chance to collect a lot of material for our further research. Firstly we’d like to pay attention to a video from monkeysee.com about young golf nuts. It helps to encourage young kids to play and speak about Golf. Click http://www.monkeysee.com/play/13331-fun-golf-drills-for-kids and listen to a speech full of enthusiasm about Fun Golf Drills for Kids by Jay Golden.
Then we found out a very interesting video about the correction of the golf posture on videojug.com with Mark Barlow. This video is supplied by a short text, so we can have both a good piece of language and enthusiasm. Click http://www.videojug.com/film/how-to-correct-golf-posture?channel=sports-and-outdoors and you can train right now. Then we should read, discuss and try without a ball in the classroom. At last we would like to learn a shot called pitch. Click
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XhA2W0Lm1mA and you can find a serial of short video with Rick Stronger which will perfectly teach you to hit a ball, swing and stop hitting fat in Golf.
Secondly we want to show a short video of a good quality with subtitles when green smooth golf courses are shown. Click http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-P2rXk9e3U and listen to Jim E.Smit in Tiger Woods.
All these videos with subtitles could train us to play golf and in addition train our listening skills.
2. The lesson plan
a) The aims of the lesson
The main aim of the lesson called Playing Golf is developing speaking and exploring skills of our pupils and giving them a lot of information on Regional Studies and native English language. As one of the main aim of the lesson we consider developing their exploring skills by means of using the Internet sites.
Some subsidiary aims that we try to achieve are connected with studying skills, reading and writing skills, successful communication skills and so on. We approved of drawing up the results of the investigation by means of Power Point Presentation and any other Internet tools. We appreciated the team work both in the classroom and at home with the family.
b) The intended audience
This lesson is intended for a group of 12-14 pupils of the 4th grade. Their age should be up 10 years old. They should be fans of computer games and Internet and have User of the Internet skills to a certain extent. Their level should sometimes be as high as Elementary level. They have to read small unknown authentic texts and choose some information to perform the task. They have to fill in the forms, search images and compose short reports.
c) Technological equipment
Technological equipment required for the lesson includes computers, a projector with a screen, the Internet connection, a printer, all that stuff we can meet in our English language study. In case you don’t have more than one computer in the classroom you should give a special homework for your young computer fans. Then you should extend this lesson into two lessons and undertake a kind of a short Project.
d) The lesson stages
The lesson lasts 45 minutes. The detailed information about the task of the Quest besides the second part we can find in our Golfblog if we click http://webquestgolf.blogspot.ru/
At the beginning of the lesson a teacher explains to the pupils the theme and presents new words. All pupils are divided into 5-6 groups with 2-3 pupils in each group. It takes about 3 minutes. There are 5 main stages of the lesson.
1) Pupils watch the video with Brian Russell. It takes 5 minutes.
2) Groups choose the question or cast lots from 1-5. The questions are
- Basic equipment items
- How to train Golf
3. A pitch and a chip
4. Etiquette
5. Main rules
6. Team play
Then they read their new words for the class (10-12 words or less). It takes 3 minutes.
1) Pupils search the Slide Show from the Golf Digest and read and copy information. They choose 1-6, 7-8, 14, 25-30, 31-36 slides respectively. The 6th group explores Wikipedia.org site. It takes 10 minutes.
4) Each group discusses their questions and fills in the forms. These forms with examples of the answers are given in the Application. It takes 15 minutes.
5) Pupils of each group choose one person of the Best Celebrity Golfers and copy a little piece of information on the site about them. Then each group prepares an oral report and chooses speakers. It takes 10 minutes.
Their home task may include Power Point Presentations, pictures, and reports about famous people. It depends on the results of their work.
At the end of the lesson pupils watch the video about PGA Junior League Golf.
In the application we show the ready forms that can be considered as a result of the lesson
Task 1
The name of the item | The purpose of usage |
A driver | It will be easier to get the ball into the air and reduce side-spin. Good for beginners |
A putter | It is used close to the hole to put the ball in. |
A sand wedge | It is for hitting out of the sand. |
A 6-iron or an 8-iron | For faster and more aggressive swings with stiff-flex shafts. The more weight is concentrated in the sole the higher is the trajectory of the launch. |
A pitching wedge | For high shots over an obstacle and soft landing of the ball |
A fairway good or hybrid | For playing onto the green not far from the hole. Good for beginners. |
The right balls | The more balls you usually loose during a round the more expensive should be your dozen balls (20$ a dozen- 40$ a dozen). Try them before buying with your putter. |
Task 2
Ask yourself why you want to play and how much time and money you are going to spend. |
If you want to try you need some instructions and patient friends. If you hope to get better fast you need plenty of top-level instruction. |
Be positive, but don't seek instructions when you're struggling with your buddies. |
It's just as important to know what you are doing right as what you are doing wrong |
Find a great instructor near your place. Since May you can get a free 10-minutes lesson in PGA. |
Task 3
A chip | A chip shot stays low and runs along the ground. Use a chip when you don't have to carry the ball over an obstacle, like deep rough or a bunker and you have a lot of green between you and the hole. |
A pitch | A pitch flies higher and doesn't roll as much. Use a pitch when you have to carry over something or need to stop the ball faster because of the extra height on a pitch shot. |
Task 4
1 | Don't lag behind. A good way to monitor your pace of play is to remain a half hole behind the group in front of you. |
2 | Wait your turn to hit the ball, but in “ready golf” anyone who is ready to hit can go. Put the flag stick back to the hole when your group leaves the green. |
3 | Be gentle, don't kill anyone. Yell “Fore”, it means “Watch out!” |
4 | Take care of the course. Never drive the cart near the putting green. Rake the bunker after yourself. |
5 | Know where to stand watching the round. Golfers can eventually hurt you. You may not interfere players to concentrate on a shot. Don't be on the line between the hole and the golfer. |
Task 5
1 | Don't move your ball unless you are on a putting green where you should mark the ball position before lifting it, usually with a coin or a small ball marker. |
2 | Stick with your own ball. If you see a ball that's not your own you should leave it. |
3 | It's (mostly) OK to play from another hole. Just don't interfere with players on that particular hole. Let them play through unless they give you permission to go first. If your ball is outside the bound markers , take a one-stroke penalty and play another shot from the spot you just hit from. |
4 | Only take five minutes to look for a ball. If you can't find the ball, take a one-stroke penalty and play another shot from as close as possible to the last spot you played from. Drop another ball from the height of your shoulder. |
5 | Play within the golf course. If you teed off and hit a shot out of bounds ( white stakes or lines) take a stroke penalty and play your third shot again from the tee. |
Тask 6
Foursome: defined in Rule 29 | This is played between two teams of two players each, in which each team has only one ball and players alternate playing it. For example, if players "A" and "B" form a team, "A" tees off on the first hole, "B" will play the second shot, "A" the third, and so on until the hole is finished. On the second hole, "B" will tee off (regardless who played the last putt on the first hole), and then "A" plays the second shot, and so on. Foursomes can be played as match play or stroke play |
Fourball: defined in Rules 30 and 31 | This is also played between two teams of two players each, but every player plays their own ball and for each team, the lower score on each hole counts. Fourball can be played as match play or stroke play |
The course about using computer technologies and the Internet during the lesson seemed to be exciting and very useful for work in the classroom. From our point of view the most involving part of the course is the part about blogs. I also liked pbworks space. Personal space in the Internet allows saving a lot of information, use it afterwards and sharing with friends. Creating pictures, dialogues and leaflets are enjoyable and fun. I mean pimpampum sites. For young learners the most involving site would be British Council sites. We could sing songs, print and read texts of these songs, do a lot of grammar exercises. We found a lot of Quests about food, fairy-tails in Quests garden site and we'd like to undertake our own project using the content and ideas of these quests. We use Audacity site to create a Power Point Presentation about Pupil's Speaking Skills. Now we can send e-mails to parents or place it in our nsportal blog.
We met some difficulties in our work with Hot Potatoes puzzles, we print them, try to solve and then could see the answers. We could use Vocaroo site, but it worked slowly. We had got a few attempts. We had a good time in the classroom while we had been watching Video for children, cartoons, playing computer games for beginners.
This course met our expectations. Short Video films proved to be especially useful, while Power Point Presentations and quests garden seemed to be the most practical tools for teaching young learners. I like YouTube, videojug, monkeysee best of all. We had a lesson devoted to Golf-beginners-tips and pupils made reports, using images from the Internet and even Power Point Presentation on their own.
- Slide show http://www.golfdigest.com/golf-instruction/golf-beginners-tips#slide=1
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H25jGApaqQM
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golf#Team_play
- http://www.pgajrleaguegolf.com/usa/
- https://www.americangolf.com/blog/mulligans/the-10coolest-golfing-celebrities-to-round-out-your-foursome/
- http://www.monkeysee.com/play/13331-fun-golf-drills-for-kids
- http://www.videojug.com/film/how-to-correct-golf-posture?channel=sports-and-outdoors
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XhA2W0Lm1mA
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-P2rXk9e3U
- Халявин В. Все секреты Интернета, М.: Мартин, 2012